Letter From Gail Bock Garlinghouse


Dear Mr. Dudley,

I may be 66 years old now, but I still think of you fondly as “Mr. Dudley”, as that is what I called you when you were our BYF leader and mentor. You remain fixed in my mind as a devoted Christian man who cared about the high school members of Manlius Baptist Church in the 1960’s. You gave your time, your care and your concern to all of us. You were there with us at Church, on trips and on paper drives. Your influence in our lives is appreciated more than you will ever know.

As Christmas 2012 approaches, I wish you a blessed time for celebrating Christ’s birth.

Merry Christmas,
Gail Bock Garlinghouse

Letter From Beverley Greene Meloon


One of my fondest memories of 1st Baptist Church in Manlius, was our BYF group. Our leader, Mr. Bill Dudley, dedicated so much of his time and energy to us, not only on Sunday nights, but all of the extra activities that we participated in, associated with 1st Baptist. Mr. Dudley had such a gentle, patient spirit, that really exemplified Jesus to us. What a treasure God gave to us through him!

My life has been blessed beyond measure. I was a second grade teacher in the Cazenovia school district before starting our family, and later became a Special Education teacher. Phil and I are members of Eastern Hills Bible Church in Manlius, have raised a son and a daughter, and are now “Nana and Poppy” to a precious little girl. Mr. Dudley, I am so thankful to you for being a part of shaping and molding my life in such a positive way. The one memory of BYF that stands out in my mind, is standing in a circle, holding hands, and singing:

Blest be the Tie That Binds,
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above

Christian love, that says it all doesn’t it? That’s exactly what you showed us, Mr. Dudley. Thank you again and may our Lord bless you abundantly.

Beverley Greene Meloon

Letter From Joyce Heller Hickling


It’s such a privilege to “see” you again, Bill.  I still remember sitting around a campfire singing, “Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya…”  I think that was Brown Tract Pond.  I also remember what a long and winding road we had to get there with you gently honking your horn so that we wouldn’t meet another car coming at us.  You always took care of your charges!  I’ve been trying to find  photos of our reunion, without much luck.  I do remember that my two kids were probably less than 12 years old then.  I met my husband, Larry at Eastern Baptist College.  We were married in 1968, and set up housekeeping in Camden, N.Y., where Larry taught General Science and :Chemistry.  Then we took over Larry’s family farm, and we’re still there in Edmeston, N.Y.  I serve on the Board of Deaconesses at the Second Baptist Church of Edmeston, and am happy to be a part of a wonderful congregation.  My love to you, XOXO